Bath Caravan Park

Bath Waterside Marina & Caravan Park, Brassmill Lane, Bath, Somerset. BA1 3JT.
Site Telephone:
01225 424 301
Site Address:

Bath Caravan Park
is one of hundreds of sites around the UK accepting Fifth Wheels from CCRV. Get in touch with them to find out more.
" Beside the River Avon, Bath Waterside & Marina and Caravan Park is just two miles from the city centre—ideal for you to stroll along the riverside, cycle or take the park-and-ride bus into beautiful Bath itself. Nestled amid grassy banks and shady trees, the caravan park is located on one of the most treasured stretches of the River Avon. We are open all year round, with modern facilities set amongst beautifully landscaped lawns and woodlands. Accredited by the Camping & Caravanning Club, each of our 88 pitches offer hard standing, 16 amp electric, Wi-Fi and a television connection point. "
All details are correct to the best of our knowledge but are subject to change. Contact the owners in advance of making any plans to ensure your vehicle is accepted at the site. Note there are many more suitable sites for 5th wheels in this region.
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